Welcome to our 2sday link up! The format has slightly changed to make it easier to link up and still able to acquaint ourselves with each other!
Last week the topic was about being thankful. This week the topic is something fun- is there a 'Did I do that?' or 'I can't believe I did that!" occasion in our life recently? If you had a folly free week that is wonderful, feel free to leave a note about yourself, preferably something fun or wacky.
Here is our requested rules:
Please follow the 3 hosts.
Please either put our button on a current/active post or in your sidebar.
You don't have to do an extra post for today but of course you are welcome to expand on your folly if you wish!
The goal is to have fun, meet new people, spread the word about each other and continue to making wonderful blog connections! We appreciate any tweeting support to welcome other to this link up as well!
Blog URL link up:
Twitter or other (I had an issue with my facebook address, I'll try & fix that for next week):
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