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Talkin' 2sdays -- We want 2 know more about YOU!

We hope you'll join us for this week's Talkin' 2sdays!  This week we'd like to know more about this past 4th of July holiday (or this weekend in general).  Just a few suggestions for this meme:
1) Please follow the 4 hosts:

Here are the 4 hosts: Please follow the 4 hosts. BreeBee's, Ten Talents & Texas Monkey& Belly Charms

2) Please try to follow at least 2 others on the list, more if you have time :)
3) You don't have to write a separate post for Talkin' 2sdays, but we do ask that you post our button in your current post or in your sidebar so more ppl can link up!

List 2 things you would like to share regarding this past July 4th holiday (or this weekend in general)- you can rhyme, 'sing it', simply type it - but feel free to have FUN with it.

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