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The Final Low Entry Lowdown...

Well, I meant to post about this last week, but I've had a little lady with a 104 fever, so I'm a bit behind.  In some respects, I really stopped doing a thorough job on the Low Entry Lowdown and this blog as a whole when we came back from China.  I just don't have the time to post regularly and spend the time I want to with my daughter, and I've come to the realization that I have to make a decision.  I don't like doing this half way, so...until I have time again some day down the road, this will be the final Low Entry Lowdown.  I also will not be posting This for That either.  I might do a few posts/pics every now and then and possibly a giveaway or two, but this is essentially a HUGE step back for Ten Talents.  I guess you could call it the end, but it seems sad to say that, and I do hope that I'll have time for it again in the future.

Thank you all so much for your faithful reading/posting/commenting.  I've enjoyed getting to know so many of you, and I look forward to having time to actually enter some of your giveaways again :) 

Merry Christmas and Blessings,

Newly Listed Entries
iCaughtSanta gift code -- ENDS TODAY
Chaos Child -- ENDS TODAY
Orglamix Organic Makeup -- ENDS TODAY
Ozone Socks -- ends 12/21
Organic Baby Blanket -- ends 12/21
Ocean Nasal Care 3 pack -- ends 12/22
You are What You Eat -- ends 12/22 (children's book)
Jingle, Jingle (children's book) -- ends 12/22
Candy Making Kit -- ends 12/23
$30 CSN gc -- ends 12/23
Serious Family Digital Organization -- ends 12/23
Take Your Pix Board Book -- ends 12/26
$5 Amazon gc, candle & coasters -- ends 12/26
Boodle Bottoms -- ends 12/26
Skoy Cloths -- ends 12/27
MUVE Dance DVDS -- ends 12/27 (2 winners)
16 photo New Year's cards -- ends 1/1

Category: 21 comments


Joy said... 1

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Frugal Science Gal said... 2

I'm so sad to see this blog come to an "end" because I have loved visiting it so much! Family comes first! I wish you all the best in future!! Merry Christmas!!

Frugal Science Gal

Mama said... 3

Sometimes life gets in the way of all the things we want to do!

I wish you all the best in the New Year and hope you have find time in the future to keep blogging!

~ Busy Buzzer
Buzzing the Day Away

LaVonne said... 4

I am sad to see the end as well. But you have made a wonderful choice for your family. Keep us updated from time to time though :)

Merry Christmas!

Jenny @ Freebie Spot said... 5

I'll miss your posts but I certainly understand. Best of luck and happy holidays!!!

Anonymous said... 6

I am also sad to see this end, but I understand. Hope you now have lots of time for your family and win lots of the giveaways you will now have time to enter. Thank you for doing this as long as you have.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

Unknown said... 7

Merry Christmas to you! You provided a wonderful and valuable service with LEL and TFT that will be missed, but you are right in your decision to put your family first. I wish you well!

Karla said... 8

I'm very sad to see your blog coming to an end. I think that you've done a great job with it and I think your this for that was a great way for bloggers to connect and help each other out. I'll miss you but I'll look forward to your updates.

Family comes first and I'm glad that you are doing what's best for you and your family!!!

Samantha said... 9

I just sent you an email regarding This for That and the Low Entry Lowdown. These are wonderful and I would hate to see them stop, but I understand why you need to step back. Please let me know what you think.

Unknown said... 10

Merry Christmas and thanks for all that you've done! Family is first, it is true. Good for you!

Discovering the Me in Mommy said... 11

Wow, Stephanie! I do hope your daughter gets well soon, and you can enjoy the time & the season!
I wouldn't mind taking over The Low Entry Lowdown or This for That either, if you & others would like it....let me know...

MrsPhilipswithoneL said... 12

I will miss your blog, it is one of my favorites. I understand though it is so easy to get wrapped up in the blog world. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas :)

Gale said... 13

I absolutely understand this! Real life has got to come first. It's so easy to spend an incredible amount of time on things that in the long run, aren't important (at least in comparison). Sorry to loose a great resource...but I admire and respect you putting what really matters first.

Leandrea at Coupons Are Great said... 14

Aww, like everyone else said I am sad to see the end come as well. Enjoy your time with your daughter. xoxo

Lisa D said... 15

I hope your baby gets better soon. Mine has had a 104 fever for 5 days and it's finally going down a bit today.
I'm so sorry to hear that you are "closing up shop" (for now or forever). I have really enjoyed your blog and will miss checking in all the time! Enjoy the time with your family!
Take care!

Latsyrc728 said... 16 sad to see you go! I have loved visiting your blog and reading over the last several months. You are also incredibly brilliant (ie. LEL and TFT) and it is a loss to the blogging community. : (

With that being said, your daughter is very lucky that you are a great Mom and are going to make her your Top Priority. Family is definitely first. I hope you have a great Christmas and New Years.

We will miss you Steph!
Lots of Love <3

ps> I would also be interested in helping to take over LEL and TFT if you wouldn't mind and others do not take it on. I could only do it a few days a week or weekly, so I would prefer to do it jointly if someone would like. : 0 )

FreeIndeed said... 17

Kudos to you for respecting your own priorities! I just wish I had found this blog sooner! Thanks for all your efforts and best wishes to you and your family.

Julie Kieras said... 18

oh I am SOOO sad to hear about this - I love the LEL and T4T !! - please do let me know if another blogger takes it over! :)

FreeIndeed said... 19

If anyone needs a place to post their giveaway, I just started a new low entry linky at

Misplaced Jersey Girl said... 20

I'm sad to hear this even though I knew this might happen for some time:( I was hoping you changed your mind. I hope you will stop by and say hi and comment when you have a chance and stay in touch. I am sad to see your blog won't be a regular part of my week anymore. Let me know if you need anything.

TheSmellyArmpit said... 21

So glad to read about your decision. :) I had to step back and prioritize this past December too and am so glad to have done that. Blogging will be around a long time but our babies will only be babies for a short while. :) Thanks so much for hosting this while you did!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. :)

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