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"This for That" Ongoing MckLinky - GET HELP BY HELPING!

As bloggers, we all find ourselves in need of a little help every once in a while. Or, if we're really busy, maybe more often than that :)  What I'd like to try to do is have a place for us to help each other.  I love the groups on Pitch It to Me, Mom Bloggers Club, etc. where you can comment on each others reviews, enter each others' giveaways, etc.  I am not suggesting that this MckLinky replace those things...I will still use them!  The problem is that I often get lost in the stream of messages and don't know who has commented on or entered mine and whose I'm supposed to be commenting on or entering and so on...

In an effort to make this process a little bit easier, I'd like to try out "This for That"...a place where you can ask someone to comment on a review, enter a giveaway, RT for you, vote for you, etc.  The point is that you ask someone to do something for you, and you do something to help that person out too! You don't necessarily have to do the same thing for someone else that you're asking them to do for you.  For example, you might want someone to vote for you, but they might ask you to RT for them in return.

So that you don't have to keep coming back to the linky over and over again, let's try it this way this today (Friday) and see how it goes...

Post your "need" in the MckLinky by writing about what you need and linking to where others can fulfill that need.  Meet the need of the 3 ppl above your link, AND THEN YOU ARE DONE!  If you want more than 3 ppl to help you out, then wait a bit, come back later and enter your need again (just make sure you again help out the 3 ppl above you).  The idea is that you help out 3 ppl and 3 ppl help you out...AND you don't have to wonder if you left someone hanging because your job is done as soon as you help out the three ppl above you!  You can link up as many times as you want!  

Now, the 1st three ppl each day get a bonus because there are aren't three ppl above them (though plz try to do as many as are above you).  The LAST 3 ppl each day will become the first three ppl the next day--I'll reenter their entries when I post the next day's list. 

So here's an example (without links)

1. Please vote for my picture! {would link to place to vote}
2. Please RT  "I'm trying 2 win a $25 gc to Safeway w/ Ten Talents and MyBlogSpark.  I'll save so much it will be like I won a $100 gc!" {no need to link RTs...just make sure you provide what you want them to RT}
3. My review needs some more comments!  {would link to review that needs comments}
4. Low entries on my giveaway....please enter! {would link to giveaway}

Now, person #2 would do #1, person #3 would do #1 & #2, person #4 would do #3, #2, & #1, and so on.  If you CANNOT do what someone asks for some reason, please do what you can and email me and I will do what you can't...providing I can :)

So...let's give this a try!  I would REALLY APPRECIATE you guys helping me get the word out about this so we can help each other out! 


Category: 13 comments


HBrummett said...

This is a GREAT IDEA! I am going to go post about this now! Thanks!

Tori said...

I love this idea!! What a neat concept, only I don't know much to help number two with web design I hope someone else might!!!

HBrummett said...

The linky is missing...

HBrummett said...

It's back. And I am sorry I listed 2! I was not thinking. You can delete one,

Saving said...

Thanks for doing this, a great way to get some help :o)

Amber said...

I love this! Great idea!

Lisa D said...

This is a great idea! :) Thanks for doing this.

Lisa D said...

I was wondering if you've thought about doing a linky with code where we can blog about This For That and use the linky code, kinda like some of those blog hops? At least for a few days/weeks to get the word out. Just a thought...forgive me if it's no good bc I haven't had my coffee yet. ;)

Crafty Mom said...

this is such a GREAT idea!!! i have two new GFriends. i've been doing the regular blog hops and the ratio is better here!!!! plus....just such a relief to not have to wade through all that other stuff. this is nice & easy. i NEED that right now!!!! THank You :)

p.s. sent you a little graphic. not sure if you need it or not. but....was "inspired"!

Anonymous said...

Asthepotter- You did it again! I LOVE the low entry and twitter party calendar... Now this! Great idea, I did submit a request for votes and I am going through the list fullfilling the other requests! Thanks! @leahsmama

Crafty Mom said...

i blogged about this 'cuz it's just so great! :)

Julia said...

Love this idea :) Thanks so much for thinking of it!

Unknown said...

WOW awesome idea!

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